Talks and Upcoming Events

28/08/2024 | UV, VALPARAISO, CHILE

Injusticias epistémicas en la atención de salud’, Ciclo de Sinapsis Narrativas 2024, Universidad de Valparaiso.

23/05/2024 | PUC, SANTIAGO, CHILE

¿Que pasa con la virtud humana en un mundo dominado por IA?, Conferencia Inaugural, Diplomado Encrucijadas Actuales del Pensamiento Crítico, Instituto de Filosofía.

09/08/2024 | BONN, GERMANY

‘Freedom in thinking: Kant on the autonomy of theoretical reason’, 14th International Kant Congress, Bonn, Germany.

23/06/2023 | RUG, NETHERLANDS

‘Kant’s constitutivism and the problem of alienation’, International Workshop on Kantian Constitutivism, University of Gronigen, Netherlands.


‘Kant´s constitutivism and the teleology of practical reason’, UK Kant Society Annual Conference in Honor of Graham Bird, King´s College London.

17/08/2024 | On-line (Webex)

‘Kant on AI’, German-South American Kant Conference 2024.

17/05/2024 | UAI, SANTIAGO, CHILE

Kant’s Constitutivism and the problem of alientation’, UK-Latin America Network Annual Workshop.

01/08/2024 | ROME, ITALY

‘Kant on practical reason’, World Congress of Philosophy.


Towards a sufficientarian, capababilities-based conception of epistemic justice’, 6th Annual Workshop of the Red UK-America Latina de Filosofía Política (UKLAPP).


‘The role of sympathy in Kant’s Anthropology: a reply to Sebastian Orlander”, Annual Rousseau Conference, Keele University.


09/10/2024 | BONN, GERMANY

‘Kant’s constitutivism and the problem of alienation’, 14th International Kant Congress.

08/12/2024 | DUBLIN, IRELAND

From technocentrism to humanism: a Kantian critique of the AI revolution’, European Consortium for  Political Research, Kant Standing Group.

04/04/2024 | GAM, SANTIAGO, CHILE

Conversatorio sobre Kant y Foucault, Herder Ediciones, GAM.


05/11/2023 | UDP, SANTIAGO, CHILE

‘Kant y el problema de la alienación’, Coloquio sobre Kant y el Idealismo Alemán, Universidad Diego Portales.

18/03/2023 | PUC, SANTIAGO, CHILE

‘Contemporary feminist perspectives on the practice of philosophy’, Conversatorio sobre Filosofía y  Feminismo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


02/12/2022 | KALE UNIVERSITY, UK

Kant´s constiutivism and the teleology of practical reason: reflections on the limits of Kant´s morality  system’, Annual Rousseau Conference.

04/9/2024 | PUC, SANTIAGO, CHILE

Comentarista: Lanzamiento del libro República de los cuidados por Luciana Cadahia, Instituto de Estetica.

30/07/2024 | PUC, SANTIAGO, CHILE

´Kant on AI’, Seminario Interno, Instituto de Filosofía.


Kant’s constitutivism and the problem of alienation’, ‘What’s Left of Kant?’ International Conference.

02/09/2023 | PUC, SANTIAGO, CHILE

Hacia una concepción de la justicia epistémica distributiva basada en capacidades’ Coloquio de Filosofía Analitco, Ponitifica Universidad Católica de Chile.

‘La reforma universitaria feminista y las demandas de justicia’, Coloquio sobre Feminismos en el Umbral de la Academia, Facultad de Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

15/03/2023 | PUC, SANTIAGO, CHILE

28/11/2022 | COLCHESTER, UK

‘Kantian practical philosophy and the climate crisis’, Winter School of the Standing Group on Kant’s Political Philosophy, European Consortium for Political Research.